Sad but superstitiuosSad but superstitiuos

Just posting another fantastic video from Wax Audio. This time a “collaberation” between Metallica and Stevie Wonder 🙂 What more can I say? Mixing two great songs suddenly result in an even greater song.

However, those kind of mashup mixes definitly makes it intresting to discuss who made the song. I mean, all music is stolen from someone else, but usually in much smaller parts. So where is the thin line between copying and composing?

TĂ€nkte bara posta ytterligare en fantastisk video frĂ„n Wax Audio. Denna gĂ„ng Ă€r det ett samarbete mellan Metallica and Stevie Wonder 🙂 Vad kan man egentligen sĂ€ga mer om detta? Bara att lyssna och förundras. TvĂ„ grymma lĂ„tar har blivit en Ă€nnu bĂ€ttre lĂ„t.

Men det vÀcker ÀndÄ lite tankar om hur man definierar vem som gjort lÄten. Jag menar, all musik Àr ju stulen frÄn nÄgon annanstans nÄgon gÄng, men oftast i lite mindre stycken. Men var gÄr linjen mellan att kopiera och komponera?

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