Powerplay Magazine, 8/10, “…the kind of AOR that makes Houston fans gasp…” Powerplay Magazine, 8/10, “…the kind of AOR that makes Houston fans gasp…”

The Rockford Heroes Review cut 1Nicky from TSM sent some highlights from the latest issue of Powerplay Magazine, issue 154. Really entertaining to read! That is to say, a lot about The Rockford Heroes.
Actual review Powerplay june 2013 - 2The review is here in it’s whole. As the header says, we got 8 of 10, which we of course are more than happy about. I, who aren’t very confident about my knowledge in english, had to read it really carefully before I understood if it was a good review or just a rallying one. But in the end I found the following quote “What genre do these heroes fit into? When music is this good, do they have to?” together with the grade, which of certainly was something to be very grateful about!
The Rockford Heroes Review cut 3Except from that, Rob Evans also wrote about us in his column called “AOR Underground”. He thought that The Rockford Heroes are “one of the finest bands I’ve heard this month”. Do I have to add that we really enjoyed reading that as well? 🙂

The Rockford Heroes Review cut 1Nicky pÄ TSM skickade över lite höjdpunkter frÄn senaste numret av brittiska Powerplay Magazine, issue 154. Klart roande lÀsning.
Actual review Powerplay june 2013 - 2Recensionen finns hĂ€r i sin helhet. Fick, precis som det framgĂ„r av rubriken, 8 av 10 vilket vi sĂ„klart Ă€r mycket nöjda med! Jag som inte alltid kĂ€nner mig jĂ€ttenöjd med min engelska fick lĂ€sa vĂ€ldigt noggrannt första gĂ„ngen för att försöka förstĂ„ om den var positiv eller bara raljerande. Men avslutningen “What genre do these heroes fit into? When music is this good, do they have to?” tillsammans med sifferbetyget kĂ€ndes sĂ„klart tydligt nog!
The Rockford Heroes Review cut 3Sen blev vi Ă€ven omnĂ€mnda pĂ„ en sektion som kallas “AOR Underground” dĂ€r Rob Evans skriver att The Rockford Heroes Ă€r “one of the finest bands I’ve heard this month”. Behöver man tillĂ€gga att det hĂ€r kĂ€nns vĂ€ldigt roligt? 🙂

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