Sämsta recensionen hittills… The worst review so far…

Okej, 8 av 10 är väl inte så tokigt egentligen. Men allting är ju relativt. Och för eventuellt nytillkomna läsare så handlar det alltså om The Rockford Heroes senaste skiva Edge of the silverthorn.

Hursomhelst, blir det inte värre omdömen än såhär kommer vi nog vara ganska nöjda! Så här avslutar Alexandra Sleaze på Metaloud.com sin recension:

“All-in-all, the ‘heroes’ impressed me in a very nice way with their first ‘Edge of the Silverthorn’ and I recommend any hair metal/hard rock/AOR fan to listen to them because I guarantee you, they’re earcandy!”

På tal om något helt annat (eftersom posten ändå är taggad med både Jonas blogg och The Rockford Heroes News) vill jag passa på att rekommendera en restaurang jag besökte igår, Stockholms Matvarufabrik. Tydligen helt nya ägare, har ingen aning om hur där varit innan. Men förutom att maten var alldeles utmärkt god (menyn byts dock ut nästa vecka :)) så var personalen ovanligt trevlig. Väl värt ett besök!

Well, 8 out of 10 maybe isn’t really that bad. But related to the other reviews it’s actually the worst. And for any new readers, this is about The Rockford Heroes latest album Edge of the silverthorn.

Anyway, if we wont get any worse reviews than this, I think we will be pretty satisfied. This is how Alexandra Sleaze on Metaloud.com sum up her review:

“All-in-all, the ‘heroes’ impressed me in a very nice way with their first ‘Edge of the Silverthorn’ and I recommend any hair metal/hard rock/AOR fan to listen to them because I guarantee you, they’re earcandy!”

And now to something completly different (as you might notice, this post is tagged with both Jonas blog and The Rockford Heroes News). If you ever visit Stockholm, I would like to recommend a restaurant I visited yesterday, Stockholms Matvarufabrik. The owners was new since only a couple of years, so I have no idea about their previous reputation. But the food was really good (they will change the meny next week though… :)) and the staff was brilliant. So, visit!

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