Sammanfattningsvis… “Lätt förundrad”?To sum up… “Slightly wonder”?

Det är i alla fall så jag uppfattade Grigoris Chronis på i sin recension av Edge of the silverthorn. I grunden är det nog väldigt positivt. I följande tre meningar så nämner han till exempel i princip alla band som jag själv brukar ange som huvudsakliga influenser:

“They have this pomp-ness but not over-progressed style in their music that may remind you of enough of the works of QUEEN, STYX and KANSAS. When they sharpen things up they tend to sound erotic and emotional like WHITESNAKE or FOREIGNER or even SKID ROW. When power takes over, there’s a clear SAVATAGE sperm with the atmosphere being supreme and haunting. “

Däremot vi fick inget slutbetyg, vet inte riktigt hur man ska tolka det? Det fick vi nämligen både för Light scares (7/10) och The White EP (8/10) när Metalkaoz recenserade dem. Alla tidningar ger såklart inget sifferbetyg, men Metalkaoz hör uppenbarligen inte till den skaran.

Egentligen spelar det ju ingen roll, speciellt inte när recensionen är så bra som den är! Men visst hade det varit kul att skriva ut att vi fick t ex “9/10” eller vad det nu kan tänkas vara… 🙂

That’s at least how I thought Grigoris Chronis from seemed to feel in his review of Edge of the silverthorn. And it’s something good in this case! In the following three sentences he mention almost all bands that I use to mentino myself when someone ask me about my main influences:

“They have this pomp-ness but not over-progressed style in their music that may remind you of enough of the works of QUEEN, STYX and KANSAS. When they sharpen things up they tend to sound erotic and emotional like WHITESNAKE or FOREIGNER or even SKID ROW. When power takes over, there’s a clear SAVATAGE sperm with the atmosphere being supreme and haunting. “

But, we didn’t get a final grade, don’t really know why? Because, both Light scares (7/10) and The white EP (8/10) got grades when Metalkaoz reviewed those releases. I’m aware of that not all magazines gives grades, but Metalkaoz doesn’t seem to be one of them.

Well, in the end it doesn’t really matter of course, especially not with a review as good as this! But it would have been kind of nice to write that we got e.g. “9/10” or something like that… 🙂

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