Sweet actionSweet action

Just thought I should post two songs which should make you think a little bit about the quote “good artists copy, great artists steal”.

First, “Teenage rampage” with Sweet, which were released in 1974:

And then a song with the swedish band Easy Action (Kee Marcello where one of the band members), called “Rocket ride”, released in 1983:

Is it just me, or does the intros sound somewhat similar? Please notice this opinion is not based on the fact that both intros are played in the same kee, sorry key… 🙂 Ok, har nĂ„gon ett förslag pĂ„ hur jag ska översĂ€tta rubriken frĂ„n engelska sĂ„ lyssnar jag gĂ€rna! Annars tĂ€nkte jag mest bara posta tvĂ„ lĂ„tar som fĂ„r en att fundera lite till över uttrycket “good artists copy, great artists steal”.

Först, “Teenage rampage” med Sweet, som kom 1974:

Och sen svenska Easy Action (dĂ€r bl a Kee Marcello ingick) med “Rocket ride” frĂ„n 1983:

NĂ„gon mer Ă€n jag som hör vissa likheter i introt? Förutom att bĂ„da introna Ă€r i samma tonart… 🙂

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